World Tarot Day

My Tarot Journey

by | May 26, 2024

My journey with Tarot began almost two decades ago, rooted in a deep-seated intuition I had carried since childhood. Growing up, I was always the one who could sense things before they happened, a gift my family often marveled at. But it wasn’t until 2004 that I discovered the true path for my intuitive abilities.

I was once seeking guidance on a personal issue and thought an astrologer might provide the answers I sought. However, a friend suggested I visit a Tarot reader instead. Tarot was still relatively new in India, and I was skeptical. I wondered, “How can a pack of cards tell me anything about the future?” Despite my doubts, I felt an inexplicable pull towards Tarot. I bought my first Tarot deck, devoured books on the subject, and enrolled in an online course to learn the basics. In 2005, I met a remarkable woman who became my mentor, guiding me through the intricacies of Tarot reading. Her insights and wisdom cemented my passion, and I knew I had found my calling. Fast forward to today, I am a renowned Tarot reader based in Bangalore and the founder of Lady of Tarot. I have been writing books and columns, sharing the knowledge and experience I’ve gathered over the years. 

Every day, I start with a personal ritual to center myself. I begin with meditation, followed by drawing a card to guide my focus and energy for the day. Mornings are dedicated to writing. Whether I’m working on a new book, penning my Tarot column, or responding to readers’ queries, this time allows me to reflect and share my insights with a broader audience. Afternoons are reserved for client sessions. I guide clients through their questions, helping them uncover insights about their personal development, self-discovery, and coping mechanisms for life’s challenges. In the evenings, I often attend workshops or continue my studies. The world of Tarot is ever-evolving, and I believe in staying updated and learning continually. 

For me, Tarot is more than a tool for divination; it is a mirror reflecting our innermost thoughts and emotions. It aids in personal growth by highlighting areas of our lives that need attention and offering guidance. In my 19 years of practice, I have witnessed the transformative power of Tarot. It offers solace in moments of distress and illuminates paths previously shrouded in darkness. This power fuels my passion and commitment to sharing Tarot with others.

My dear readers, whether you are a seasoned enthusiast or a curious newcomer, I invite you to explore the world of Tarot. It might just unveil the answers you’ve been seeking all along.

“Tarot serves as a reflection of our inner truths, guiding us on a transformative journey of self-discovery.”—Maanya Kohli

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