Life Lessons via Tarott Part VI

Life Lessons via Tarot Part III

by | Jul 5, 2024

Hello, my lovelies! I’m Maanya Kohli, founder of Lady of Tarot. In our journey through the Major Arcana, we’ve arrived at a pivotal point. Last week, we explored till the Strength card. Today, let’s delve into the next four cards: The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, and The Hanged Man. Each of these cards offers profound insights and lessons to guide us towards our highest potential.

The Hermit card invites us to step back from the hustle and bustle of daily life and seek solitude. This introspection helps us find inner wisdom and clarity. Remember the time when you took a solo trip or spent a quiet evening with your thoughts? That’s The Hermit in action. This card teaches us that sometimes, the answers we seek are within. By embracing solitude, we can reconnect with our inner selves and find the guidance we need to move forward.

Life is full of ups and downs, and the Wheel of Fortune reminds us of this eternal cycle. One day you’re on top of the world, and the next, you encounter challenges. This card teaches us to embrace change and remain resilient. Think about a time when a setback led to an unexpected opportunity. The Wheel of Fortune encourages us to trust the process and believe that every twist and turn has a purpose in our journey.

The Justice card represents truth, fairness, and balance. It’s a call to examine our actions and ensure they align with our values. Reflect on a moment when you had to make a difficult decision, weighing all sides before reaching a conclusion. Justice teaches us the importance of integrity and the impact of our choices on ourselves and others. By striving for fairness, we create a more harmonious life.

The Hanged Man card often perplexes us with its imagery of suspension. However, its lesson is one of surrender and seeing things from a new perspective. Have you ever felt stuck, only to discover that letting go of control brought clarity? This card encourages us to release our grip on situations and view them from a different angle. Sometimes, surrendering allows us to find solutions and growth in the most unexpected ways.

My dear readers, each of these cards, from The Hermit to The Hanged Man, offers valuable lessons that help us navigate life’s challenges and achieve our highest potential. By embracing solitude, trusting life’s cycles, seeking fairness, and finding new perspectives, we can live our best lives. Until next week, keep exploring and growing!

Tarot is a prophetic book in which everyone can read their own purpose, meaning, reason and value. ~ Wald Amberstone

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